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ISO-14001 Training

Air Permitting & Annual Reporting

ISO 14001 is the world’s most recognized framework for environmental management systems (EMS) – implemented from Argentina to Zimbabwe – that helps organizations both to manage better the impact of their activities on the environment and to demonstrate sound environmental management.

ISO 14004 which complements ISO 14001 by providing additional guidance and useful explanations.Environmental audits are important tools for assessing whether an EMS is properly implemented and maintained. The auditing standard, ISO 19011, is equally useful for EMS and quality management system audits.

ISO 14005 will provide guidelines for the phased implementation of an EMS to facilitate the take-up of EMS by small and medium-sized enterprises. It will include the use of environmental performance evaluation.

ISO 14006 will provide guidelines on eco-design.addresses not only the environmental aspects of an organization’s processes, but also those of its products and services. Therefore SRI has developed additional tools to assist in addressing such aspects.

ISO 14067 on the carbon footprint of products will provide requirements for the quantification and communication of greenhouse gases (GHGs) associated with products. The purpose of each part will be to: quantify the carbon footprint (Part 1); and harmonize methodologies for communicating the carbon footprint information and also provide guidance for this communication (Part 2).

ISO 14045 will provide principles and requirements for eco-efficiency assessment. Eco- efficiency relates environmental performance to value created. The standard will establish an internationally standardized methodological framework for eco-efficiency assessment, thus supporting a comprehensive, understandable and transparent presentation of eco-efficiency measures.

ISO 14051 will provide guidelines for general principles and framework of material flow cost accounting (MFCA). MFCA is a management tool to promote effective resource utilization, mainly in manufacturing and distribution processes, in order to reduce the relative consumption of resources and material costs.

ISO 14063 on environmental communication guidelines and examples, helps companies to make the important link to external stakeholders.

ISO 14064 parts 1, 2 and 3 are international greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting and verification standards which provide a set of clear and verifiable requirements to support organizations and proponents of GHG emission reduction projects.

ISO 14065 complements ISO 14064 by specifying requirements to accredit or recognize organizational bodies that undertake GHG validation or verification using ISO 14064 or other relevant standards or specifications

ISO 14069 will provide guidance for organizations to calculate the carbon footprint of their products, services and supply chain.

ISO 14066 will specify competency requirements for greenhouse gas validators and verifiers.

ISO 14020 series of standards addresses a range of different approaches to environmental labels and declarations, including eco-labels (seals of approval), self-declared environmental claims, and quantified environmental information about products and services.

ISO Guide 64 provides guidance for addressing environmental aspects in product standards. Although primarily aimed at standards developers, its guidance is also useful for designers and manufacturers.

Waste Water Neutralization Calculations_U S

1. Caustic Addition – (pH is too low and must be raised)
Instructions: Enter values in blue boxes. Spreadsheet calculates values in yellow boxes


WW Flow Rate, Qww =


Moles/L of OH needed =


Incoming pH, pHin =

NaOH rate needed =


Desired pH, pHout =

Caustic solution rate =


Caustic sol’n % NaOH =

Caustic solution rate =


Caustic sol’n density, ρ =


Daily cost of caustic =


Caustic solution cost =


Wastewater Neutralization Calculations – U.S. units
1. Caustic Addition – (pH is too low and must be raised)
Instructions: Enter values in blue boxes. Spreadsheet calculates values in yellow boxes


WW Flow Rate, Qww =


Incoming pH, pHin =

Desired pH, pHout =

Caustic sol’n % NaOH =

Caustic sol’n density, ρ =


Caustic solution cost =



Moles/L of OH needed =


NaOH rate needed =


Caustic solution rate =


Caustic solution rate =


Daily cost of caustic =


Wastewater Neutralization Calculations – U.S. units
2. Acid Addition – (pH is too high and must be lowered)
Instructions: Enter values in blue boxes. Spreadsheet calculates values in yellow boxes


WW Flow Rate, Qww =


Moles/L of H+ needed =


Incoming pH, pHin =

H2SO4 rate needed =


Desired pH, pHout =

Acid solution rate =


Acid sol’n % H2SO4 =

Acid solution rate =


Acid sol’n density, ρ =


Daily cost of acid =


Acid solution cost =


Wastewater Neutralization Calculations – U.S. units
2. Acid Addition – (pH is too high and must be lowered)
Instructions: Enter values in blue boxes. Spreadsheet calculates values in yellow boxes


WW Flow Rate, Qww =


Incoming pH, pHin =

Desired pH, pHout =

Acid sol’n % H2SO4 =

Acid sol’n density, ρ =


Acid solution cost =



Moles/L of H+ needed =


H2SO4 rate needed =


Acid solution rate =


Acid solution rate =


Daily cost of acid =
